Working with raw Markdown


Sometimes, when creating a new Hugo site, your starting point is a collection of Markdown files without front matter (raw Markdown). Manually adding front matter to each file is time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone. To make this process easier, use a Bash script to recursively convert a directory of raw Markdown files to Markdown with front matter.

Front Matter

When we describe “content” for a site we are typically referring to Markdown files, and each file must include front matter. For example:

title = 'About'
date = 2023-07-04T15:26:34-07:00
draft = true

ABC Widgets manufactures mechanical components for aeronautical applications.

The front matter must contain the document title and creation date. The front matter may be YAML, TOML, or JSON, placed at the beginning of the file and wrapped with format-specific delimiters.

Although YAML is easy to read and write, it has two drawbacks:

  1. Syntactic mistakes may not be obvious
  2. Dates are not first-class citizens

TOML is the middle ground between YAML and JSON, with one key benefit: dates are first-class citizens, not strings. When you add a custom date field to your TOML front matter, the value is already of type time.Time and does not require conversion when you format, localize, parse, compare, or manipulate the value. See the Working with time article for details.


The Bash script below recursively converts a directory of raw Markdown files to Markdown with front matter. For example:

BEFORE (SOURCE)                      AFTER (TARGET)
raw-Markdown/                        content/
├── books/                           ├── books/
│   ├── fiction/                     │   ├── fiction/
│   │   ├── a.jpg                    │   │   ├── a.jpg
│   │   ├──        │   │   ├──
│   │   └──        │   │   └──
│   ├── mystery/                     │   ├── mystery/
│   │   ├── b.jpg                    │   │   ├── b.jpg
│   │   ├──        │   │   ├──
│   │   └──        │   │   └──
│   └──               │   └──
└──                      └──

The resulting directory structure (the target) is identical to what you started with (the source), but each Markdown file now contains front matter.

The Bash script below:

  • Does not alter the source directory
  • Creates the target directory if needed
  • Does not overwrite existing files in the target directory
  • Adds front matter to each Markdown (md) file
  • Copies other file types without modification

If the raw Markdown contains a level 1 ATX heading, the script removes the heading, using it as the front matter title. If a level 1 ATX heading is not present, the title is the file name. The front matter date is the file modification time.
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Last modified: 2024-02-12T09:20:25-08:00

# Copyright 2023 Veriphor LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.

# @file
# Recursively converts a directory of raw Markdown files to Markdown with front
# matter.
# See usage().

# @function
# Displays usage message.
# @return string $msg
#   The usage message.
usage() {
  declare msg
  msg=$(cat <<EOT
Recursively converts a directory of raw Markdown files to Markdown
with front matter.

This script:

- Does not alter the source directory
- Creates the target directory if needed
- Does not overwrite existing files in the target directory
- Adds front matter to each Markdown (md) file
- Copies other file types without modification

If the raw Markdown contains a level 1 ATX heading, the script removes
the heading, using it as the front matter title. If a level 1 ATX
heading is not present, the title is the file name. The front matter
date is the file modification time.

Usage:    $(basename "$0") source target [format]

          format: toml (default), yaml, or json

Examples: $(basename "$0") raw-content/ content/
          $(basename "$0") raw-content/ content/ yaml
  printf "%s\\n\\n" "${msg}"

# @function
# Main function.
# @param string $source_dir
#   The source directory.
# @param string $target_dir
#   The target directory.
# @param string $format
#   The front matter format: json, toml (default), or yaml
main() {

  declare source_dir=${1:-}
  declare target_dir=${2:-}
  declare format=${3:-toml}
  declare term_red='\033[0;31m'
  declare term_reset='\033[0m'
  declare date entry entries ext title
  declare source_content target_content
  declare source_path target_path

  # Convert format to lowercase.

  # Validate arguments.
  if [[ -n "${source_dir}" ]]; then
    source_dir=$(realpath "${source_dir}")
    >&2 echo -e "\n${term_red}Error: please specify source directory\n${term_reset}"
    >&2 usage; exit 1

  if [[ ! -d "${source_dir}" ]]; then
    >&2 echo -e "\n${term_red}Error: source directory does not exist\n${term_reset}"
    >&2 usage; exit 1

  if [[ -n "${target_dir}" ]]; then
    target_dir=$(realpath "${target_dir}")
    >&2 echo -e "\n${term_red}Error: please specify target directory\n${term_reset}"
    >&2 usage; exit 1

  if [[ -n "${format}" && ! "${format}" =~ ^(toml|yaml|json)$ ]]; then
    >&2 echo -e "\n${term_red}Error: invalid front matter format\n${term_reset}"
    >&2 usage; exit 1

  # Create target directory if it does not exist.
  if [[ ! -d "${target_dir}" ]]; then
    mkdir -p "${target_dir}"

  # Create an array of the entries within the source directory.
  readarray -d '' entries < <(find "${source_dir}" -printf "%P\0")

  # Process each entry.
  for entry in "${entries[@]}"; do
    # Don't do anything if the target file or directory exists.
    if [[ ! -e "${target_path}" ]]; then
      if [[ -d "${source_path}" ]]; then
        # The entry is a directory.
        mkdir -p "${target_path}"
        # The entry is a file.
        if [[ "${ext}" == "md" ]]; then
          # The entry is a Markdown file.
          date=$(stat "${source_path}" --printf %y)
          date=$(date -d "${date}" --iso-8601=seconds)
          title=$(awk '/^# / {$1=""; print substr($0,2); exit}' "${source_path}")
          source_content=$(cat "${source_path}")
          if [[ -n "${title}" ]]; then
            # The Markdown file has a level 1 ATX heading. Remove it.
            source_content=$(sed '0,/^# /{//d}' "${source_path}")
            # The Markdown file does not have a level 1 ATX heading.
            title=$(basename "${source_path}" ".md")

          if [[ "${format}" == "toml" ]]; then
            target_content=$(cat <<EOT
title = "${title}"
date = ${date}
draft = false

          elif [[ "${format}" == "yaml" ]]; then
            target_content=$(cat <<EOT
title: ${title}
date: ${date}
draft: false

          elif [[ "${format}" == "json" ]]; then
            target_content=$(cat <<EOT
  "title": "${title}",
  "date": "${date}",
  "draft": false

          printf "%s\\n" "${target_content}" > "${target_path}"
          # The entry is a file, but not Markdown.
          cp "${source_path}" "${target_path}"

set -euo pipefail
main "$@"
Usage: source target [format]

        format: toml (default), yaml, or json

Clean up

This script makes no assumptions about content organization. After conversion, manually add files as needed for each section. See documentation for details.

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